
2012.4.16 (1)

Hello. I'm Keiko Matsumoto. I live in Hiroshima. I like watching movies and talking with my friends. Yesterday, I went to see cherry blossoms with my university friends. I had a good laugh and time. Laughing is the way I deal with stress. Thank you for reading.

3 件のコメント:

  1. Keiko chaaaan!!!!!

    I like watching movies too :)
    My favorite movie is The Devil Wears Prada♪

  2. Hello!

    I like moves too♪
    Please tell me your favorite moves!!!
    I would like to try them!

  3. Hi Keiko... In this blog, you should write about movies in detail.

    You only wrote in the blog one day? This is not enough!! Please write MUCH MORE every week!

    If you do, your English writing will improve!

    Sincerely, Joe Lauer
