
My garden.

The weather has been very fine. It's nice to feel the wind.
By the way,  I am growing some flowers.
I observed it this morning and the sunflower has begun to put out new shoots.
I was happy. I am looking forward to growing more.



I has classes only on Monday and Thursday this semester.
So I have a lot of free time.

Today, I cleaned my room.
It lets me clear my head.
I recommend it, if you are in a crap mood.


Mom's day.

Hello.How are you ?I'm pretty good.
Today is Mom's day.
I baked a cheesecake and I gave it for my mother.
She was pleased.
And I felt happy.



Hello. What did you do this weekend?

I went to Hamada in Simane. I took an expressway bus, but I worried about an accident there days. It is famous for musical sand. When I walked on a beach, I heard faint noise of sand. I did wonders for my mind. And I went to see a sand clock. The world's largest hourglass is located in Nima town in Shimane Prefecture. It was pretty intense. I had a good time.